Monday 29 August 2011

Wychwood Moths - missed August

Been away in Florida for over three weeks so nothing to report from Wychwood Moths in August although my first night back trapping on 27th produced some year ticks as expected, one of which was a nice fresh Red Underwing. Did not note any significant moths during my time away but had 80+ bird species including 4 world ticks and some superb views of many impressive varieties. Also a selection of large butties including Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Monarch, Queen, Giant Swallowtail and White Peacock. Just a few images to whet the appetite or provide a reminder for anybody that has been to this area themselves.

Limpkin with apple snail, Lake Tohopekaliga, Kissimmee, FL. Plenty of these about early mornings. An adult Snail Kite was also present in this area on most visits.

Sandhill Crane with juvenile, Kissimmee, FL. A yard bird, and Wal-Mart car park etc... Small family groups all over the area and some good roosts near the lake.

American Black Vulture with roadkill for lunch, Kissimmee, FL.

Potential Human lunch, Kissimmee, FL

Wood Stork, Kissimmee, FL. Plenty of these about on lakes and roadsides. Also within some of the parks including the sea lion enclosure at Sea World.

White Peacock. A numerous butterfly, this one found its way inside the villa.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Start of August update

July was not so good as last year, no doubt the result of the cooler wetter weather. Wychwood Moths recorded just 80 macro species in the whole month compared with 112 in July 2010. Fortunately there were a few good ones in there as previously shared. Here is a catchup on some images taken in the last week or so including a few from the first couple of days in August when thankfully the last three warm nights have increased the volumes and the species count has gone back above my "aim" of 30+ per night.
Currant Pug

Maple Pug - this tiny one just reached 8mm on the ruler for the forewing length

Small Rivulet - rather battered unfortunately

Large Twin-spot Carpet - again rather battered but was a NFG on 1st August


Heart & Club gallery - lots of variation again. Biggest numbers between mid-June and mid-July with a one night maximum of 23, a little short of the 34 last year.

Grey Dagger agg.

Bright-line Brown-eye

Phoenix - three of these now this year, one of my favourites

Scalloped Oak - had more in 2011, one night max of 3, this one is "peppered"

Dunbar - top image is the darkest one I have had, the vast majority are of the pale form

Cloaked Minor - not had many of these this year