Monday, 26 September 2011
Orange Sallow
After a couple of weeks anticipating, I have trapped one of the scarcer local Xanthia sp giving me the first garden tick of the autumn season. I have been getting steady catches of the regular species but this is the first "notable" for a couple of weeks for me.
Monday, 19 September 2011
Outside the Exclusion Zone
Like many other local birders, I took the opportunity to go outside the rare bird exclusion zone of Bedfordshire last week to sample the delights just over the border at Grafham. This large reservoir seems to act like an autumn shield, catching and deflecting any decent seabirds that are blown our way in a storm or potentially coming cross-country on favourable NE winds from the Wash.
My lack of bird pictures on this blog is mainly equipment related as I am usually only achieving record shots digiscoped with a compact camera but the millpond conditions and close encounters at Grafham when I visited enabled some reasonable images to be captured for a change. (Kodak DX7630 ad Opticron ES80 with 27xWW)
Grey Phalarope, Grafham Water 15th Sept
Thursday, 15 September 2011
Sneaky armchair ticking
The Wychwood Moths garden list sneaked up by two last week thanks to a couple of moths that I took from the trap samples during July.
Snout - surprising first for year on 10/Sep
A particularly rufous looking minor that I collected was dissected by Andy Banthorpe and revealed to actually be a male Rufous Minor as I had hoped; unfortunately I cannot locate a photo I think I took at the time of collection. Previously in June I had collected a small sample of typical individuals and had equivalent numbers of Marbled and Tawny Marbled. So with the set complete, all of next years adults are safe from the freezer ! - was in the name of the scientific record as well as the list of course.
Similarly I collected a limited sample of five Common Rustic agg including two small and dark examples. Dissection revealed three male Common and two male Lesser Common Rustic.
Thanks Andy! 220 jumps to double Nelson 222 despite the windy and often damp nights and a trap that has felt a bit neglected by moths for the last week.

Monday, 5 September 2011
August / September change-over
It's been a quiet week at Wychwood Moths with nothing around that attracts a "scarce" tag and none of the autumn specials yet for the yearlist. Close to half the catch this week has been Large Yellow Underwings, so just a couple of catch-up pics and a quick pug quiz for todays post.
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