Saturday 7 November 2015

Late Autumn goodies - Palpita vitrealis

With the warm season extending into November, I have continued to put the trap out in the hope of a goodie to finish the year and have been rewarded with a new and rare micro and a smart new macro.

 Palpita vitrealis - Olive -tree Pearl. New for garden 5th November (3rd for Beds VC30)

 Mottled Umber - new for garden 28th October

Brick (on brick) - don't usually get these but seems to have been a good year for them

 Brown-spot Pinion - do usually get these but seems to have been a bad year for them

 \Grey Shoulder-knot - an autumn record here is my first as all previous records have been in spring

Red-green Carpet - a common moth here and a nice fresh bright example