Saturday 26 July 2014

Hooray for a Hoary Footman - VC30 first

Very pleased to add my garden to the list of locations hosting a first for VC30 macro moth. A presumed Hoary Footman was trapped on 16th July and examined by the recorders and confirmed a couple of days later as a male of that species. While they had it in a pot, a second almost identical individual was caught on 17th. Having confirmed the identity of the first, I was not so worried about the potential second getting away so I could get some better photos and allow it back into the "wild". Three new for garden macros in a night with the Plain Pug and the Brown-tail.

 Hoary Footman - caught 16th July. Male confirmed from gendet 18th July - first for VC30

Similar moth from 17th July presumed also as Hoary Footman and I did get good views of the creamy white hindwings on this individual but compare the presumed worn Scarce Footman below

For comparison, from the last two weeks,a few more footmen... 
Presumed worn Scarce Footman, some yellowish stuff apparent and hindwing had some pale yellow (caught 18th July) - this has expired so I still have this one

 Fresh well-marked pair of Common and Scarce Footman

 Buff Footman

Dingy Footman

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